Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Semester Test

Have you ever been a new student at school? It's very nerve-wrecking to say the least because you don't know anybody most of the time and it's hard making friends being the new student. In High School Musical, Gabriella Montez was the new girl at East High after she had to transfer.
Troy Bolten and Gabriella Montez meet at the beginning at a party and have to sing in front of a crowd and realize they are attracted to each other, so they exchange numbers after Gabriella had to leave. Later, she transfers schools and it happens to be East High; home of the Wildcats. Troy Bolten is the captain of the basketball team there and he sees her at school and tries to get into contact with her right away and show her around. They get interested in the school's musical and both audition for it. The people that Gabriella hang out with don't like the basketball team and likewise for Troy's group. So they try to stop Gabriella and Troy from performing in the musical. They succeeded for a bit, but realize it was wrong of them to do that to Gabriella and Troy so they go and fix the problem by telling them what really happened. Knowing what really happen, Troy and Gabriella get back with each other and both perform in the musical.
High School Musical and West Side Story are very similar to an extent. Both showing how it could be like being from different groups of people who don't like each other. In High School Musical Gabriella was the shy genius girl who excelled in Math and Science while Troy was the captain of the basketball team. Their cliques they hung out with did not like each other and tried to stop them from performing together in the musical and just stick to what they know. While in West Side Story the Puertoricans and Americans did not like each other and started fights with each other to solve their problems. When things got really serious, leaders of both the gangs died and the rest of the gang tried to finish off the situation, but when someone gets shot the gangs stop their rivalry and know its not worth it to die for.
I enjoyed High School Musical more than the other plays we have watched. Reason being it was from our time period and it shows how life really can be sometimes being the new student at a school and how schools can be divided up into cliques. The musical was well thought out with great actors and characters and the singing was pretty good.
To sum it up, High School Musical was a great musical. Showing life as it can be sometimes with two cliques who oppose each other and being new to a school.

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