Thursday, April 29, 2010


I would not like to have lived in the 1920's because it doesn't seem too great with all the drama going on around that period of time.

Prom Night

Prom Night was pretty awesome. I didn't go to Prom, but I went to go hang out with friends at a party and had tons of fun. I cant go all into detail on what I did, but it was an awesome party and I stayed there for Prom night.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fiddler On The Roof

Tradition is very important. The kids go to Hebrew school and their parents pick who they shall marry. In the circle of their town there are certain people who are more respected like the rabbi. In a family, people will have kids to help with farming the land. Although, Tevye has five kids, they are all girls who cannot help with the farming. Girls are chosen their husbands when they reach the age of twenty. Without tradition, their lives would be shaken, unstable, and chaotic. Tradition is a foundation that Jews rely upon to hold stability for their civilization. Everyone wears a prayersha to show their faith in God. Spitting on the ground after cursing is what they believe will remove the curse from their mouth. On the Sabbath day, they say a prayer before super and do not work on the Sabbath day. The fiddler on the roof represents how the Jews are. They are just trying to live life to its fullest while not breaking their necks doing so. They like to celebrate by drinking and dancing in the pub.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Non-Verbal Communication

There are many ways to communicate non-verbally. Facial expressions are one of the more ways Mr. Bean communicated. He made faces to show how he felt. He also used hand gestures pretty often and body language. People could tell what he was doing by body langauge and hand gestures. Eyes are a good way to communicate without talking as well.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Locker Searches/Personal Searches

Locker searches/Personal searches at school is a debated subject in schools. I, for one do not support the searching of lockers or personal searches of the student's personal items. I can approve of locker searches because it is the school's property and the ability to check through them is fine, but checking through our personal belongings should not be allowed because it is our own belongings and people do not have the right to search through that. I found information to support my statements here. Three points I should note off are about locker searches, personal searches, and approval of the debate. First off, locker searches in school. They are allowed because lockers are property of the school and if you choose to use them. You also choose to let them search through it anytime. The school wants its environment to be safe and carefree. By searching through lockers for illegal weapons or substances, it rids the threat of harm a little. Next, searching of personal items. These are only allowed if the student is under suspicision and the school is then allowed to search through the student's car, belongings, and pat them. Checking through personal items should not be allowed unless you drive a car, and only then can the school check their cars and not their other belongings. Lastly, Approval of this situation. Searching through lockers is fine. It is the school's property and if you want to use their property, they can check it. Personal searching although, is not approved of. Being it is the student's personal items and should not be able to come to school without being checked and only their cars being checked. To sum it up, locker searches/personal searches are somewhat approved and disapproved of. Locker searches,personal searches, and the approval of it are what I took the most of it.